Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Kamusta kayo! sounded like you guys had a great week! wow that's awesome you got to go to elder frandsens farewell sounds like it was good! he had a huge impact on me out here so that's neat. karter i hope you enjoy the belt! i thought you would like it! it's kinda cool because this is the only place in the world you can get them so wear it proudly! haha your guys emails inspired me this week and i couldn't help but just smile and think of how much i love you guys. well this week was crazy! i felt like we were traveling all over the place and it just cruised right on by! so tuesday we went down to zone gathering in agoo which is about 45-1 hour away and were down there for a while and then on friday we got to go to baguio and met the new president. wow is all i have to say! the guy is truly called of God and he got a fire in him that is contageous. he is probably one of the smartest people i've ever met! it was a really neat experience and i think he will be great for the mission! well besides all the busyness in traveling this week was a trying one, i really felt the lord wanted me to learn something this week cause it was rough haha. still not enough to get the spirits down, no way haha. but still there were times it just felt we were doing the best we could and nothing was happening, the traveling kind of threw off our regular schedule but still it was a trying one. But despite it all it just amazes me how much the spirit is with us in the work. sometimes this week i would come home just kind of down and just thinking what i need to do better and trying not to get down on myself, but that's exactly when the spirit comes in and comforts me and just lets me know that when we are doing the best we can everything is ok. so it was a good week with a lot of learning experiences. i just think everyday of how blessed i am to be out here and meet and teach the people that i do, what a blessing! well for bro. willy i didn't get to see him this week because we had exchanges the day we go to him and then his wife came home from hong kong so he wasn't able to come to church. he's kinda stressed about his baptism and asked to extend it so that's a little hick up we have to help him with and i just i hope we can before i get transferred. but we are doing all we can to help him and i know the Lord will bless him accordingly so all is well. so yeah this week was one that i will be thankful for, for the trials i had to go through to learn and become stronger. Heavenly Father knows us and his plan is perfect! i love you guys and hope you continue to trust in the lord in all things! sending much love from the Philippines. Elder Machen