Friday, March 8, 2013

"Work, Work, Work" Feb 17,2013

Hey! oh man it was sure good to see those photos! karter your hair is way pangit! haha your a stud, glad you had fun! your emails were great and inspiring! Well your about as surprised as i am with how fast this week went by! Elder and I really hit the pavement this week and lets just say we had fun and got the work done! We have to give it all to the spirit. i was blown away, we taught with the power of the spirit and things happened! i want to testify of the divinty and role of the holy ghost in missionary work. i have seen the glory of this work radiate from bamboo shacks, the spirit creates a climate that bears testimony and we get to see the effect. its the most amazing feeling ever. we had 7 investigators come to church yesterday! and 4 of them are really progressing and so we will do our best to keep them on the straight and narrow! the less active work is going well! we found this one guy earlier in the week taught him twice and he came to church! haha thats a miracle in itself because that never happens! This week was incredible, ive never taught this many lessons in my whole mission, we were guided and blessed! haha im at a loss of words right now for what to say! of course we have some investigators with some problems that we need to figure out before they can take the plunge, but we have already seen some small but good progress. our area is really doing good and elder and i are doing good, hes a hardworker and never complains about all the walking we do! well family i love you and thank you again for the great support! send my love to everybody. mahal ko po kayo! Elder Machen