Monday, June 18, 2012

"A Week Full Of Miracles"

Well fam sounds like you guys had quite the week! cant say im not concerned about my pops! get better dad! ill keep you in my prayers! well this week was sure a good one! it was one full of moments that just made my heart swell with joy! well ill start with today and kind of work backward! so this morning we went on a nice run through the "bukud" which is like rice fields and stuff well it had rained super hard the night before so it was intense haha. they have these little walk ways inbetween the bukuds so we were running on those but it was kind of hard haha anyways im out front and all the sudden i hear this big splash! haha i look behind me and the other american turfed it hard and landed in a muddy field haha he was covered, it was pretty funny, im really enjoying running lately trying to get into shape and stuff. anyways back to the more spiritual stuff. so to start off earlier in the week we stopped by our investigators house and hoping to teach but he was busy and couldnt but we thanked him for coming to church and he told us the story, so his disease has the symptoms of parkinsons so its pretty bad, well the night before sunday we gave him a blessing on his request and this is what he told us, "so i was sitting there waiting for my legs to get better cause there were bad when i woke up and about the time i needed to get ready to go to church, they got better and it allowed me to go to church!" just watching him walk breaks my heart and so i can see the problem with him going to church but when i herd this i couldnt believe it! it was absolutly amazing i couldnt even begin to describe my feelings at that moment. our heavenly father loves us and blesses us according to our needs. so needless to say it was amazing then we went to his house again later in the week and he had been reading the book of mormon and we asked him if he had prayed about it to know if it was true, he said "umm honestly i havent prayed yet....because i believe everything you guys have been teaching me, i dont have any doubts." i was blown away in amazment! wow i thought this man was prepared to recieve the gospel! so that was just one of the experiences that strengthened my testimony, another quick one is on thursday we devoted that day to finding to new less actives so we were walking down this street that we always do and i honestly didnt know where to go so i prayed that the spirit would guide us, all the sudden i felt the prompting "go right" i thought why? ive never been there before. again "go right" so i listened and we ended up finding new less actives!!! wow what a experience! then another one that strengthened my testimony about the book of mormon is we went to this returning less active and asked if she had been reading she said yes and so we asked her if she has noticed any help since she has been reading and she said "since i have been reading i noticed that we always have food and its good food to. we havent gone hungry." wow i thought what power and blessings come from the book of mormon! honestly this week was just amazing! i just love being a missionary and wouldnt change anything right now! i love you guys and hope that you all continue to be steadfast in the commandments and you will reap the blessings! i can promise you that. have fun and get the work done! love you Elder Machen