Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another Good Week in the Mission! 2012!

Kamusta pamilya! well this week was another good week in the mission can't complain. it was way good to talk to you this last week! it helped me alot haha. this transfer has gone by so fast! holy cow it's already week 5! my comp goes home next tuesday and i get a new one on friday i'm kinda nervous but it will be a good challenge cause i will have to lead the area for a the first couple weeks! it's alright though. we went on exchanges this week and i usually go to another elders area but this time elder frandsen made us go to my area and i had to lead it! i was way nervous and kinda stressing but i knew all the places and everybodys house so it worked out. it was tough though cause i think we got punted at almost everyones house haha. kinda frusturating but oh well i guess that happens once in a while. it gave me some confidence that i can do it though. i know im really going to have to rely on the spirit for help though! that's one big thing i've learned is how much i have to rely on the spirit everyday! but i know that when we're doing what were supposed to he will always be there for us and help us through any trail we may have. we thought we were going to have a baptism this week with the koreans but that doesn't look like it's going to happen. i'm way bummed but they didn't come to church so we went and visited them and they thought it started at 9 but they changed it to 1 so i guess that was our fault but the one girl she went with a friend but the 4 other boys didn't go and so it doesn't look so good. were just going to have to keep working with them! it's alright though it will happen someday for them i know that. we also had zone interviews with president and it was good to talk to him for a little bit he's a great mission president and has done a lot of good for this mission. the language oh boy... haha that's tested my patience more then anything. somedays i feel like im speaking well and others i just draw a complete blank. like this week we were teaching our recent convert the follow up lessons and i honestly could barely say anything i was struggling way bad, it's way frusturating but i know if i keep working hard and studying hard it will happen. thats one thing i've learned when we have trials or struggles we will always recieve help, it may just not be in our time frame. Heavenly Father knows whats best for us so he will help when he knows whats best. thats been really comforting to know that and taught me a lot of patience and i constantly have to be reminded of that haha. so yeah but holy cow New Years here, its nuts! holy cow now i understand why we have a curfew at 6! they have these things that our like huge bombs and they go off all night for like 4 days straight. then news years eve at about 11:30 i was awoken by what i thought was world war 3! those bomb things and fireworks and car horns people hoopy and hoolorin holy cow it was nuts! haha i couldn't believe it and everybody is drunk haha. so it was quite interesting but a good experiance haha. its already 2012 crazy! well yeah that was this week lots of ups and downs but its all good! i love you guys so much and thanks for all the support! this is a great work and a wonder what missionaries do all over the world! have a good new year and reach those goals you have set! Mahal Kita Elder Machen